I encourage anyone who hasn't done already to use this script. It is amazing how much time it saves you. It really is quite a find!
Phil Shacklady,
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I just found your site and used your online sitemap tool. Within a few minutes my sitemap was submitted to Google. Now we just need to sit back and let "The Big G" do it's magic.
I know sitemaps are important, but I never knew how to create one. Now I don't have to.
Strongly recommend this for webmasters who's managing multiple websites.
This tool has literally cut down our work time for around 30 minutes per site.
Multiply that with the number of sites we're managing, that is alot of hours!
It's also made our job of updating the sitemap alot easier. Thanks for keeping this tool free.
XML Standalone PHP Sitemap generator is very easy to install and very easy to use.
Compared to the online version it saves time and we can now create a fully customized HTML sitemap.
Thanks for this great software !
Actium.nl Webmaster
Absolutely the best online sitemap generator I have ever used. Loved the way it read my robots.txt file and excluded those directories automatically. Plus a google sitemap, html sitemap, and plain text sitemap for yahoo, all in one request is incredible.
Thanks for this great online service!
The greatest sitemap generator on the whole net, thank you for your great script, we can now index our site with ease and get our new projects listed in no time atall.
Once again a great product.
Musa Aykac,
Excellent resource for webmasters !
Quite honestly there is no other service to compare.
An Accurate, Fast and simple solution to producing
Sitemaps in all formats, with first rate customer
service and problems resolution through the onsite
forum. Highly recommended.
Kind regards
XML Standalone PHP Sitemap generator is very easy to install and very easy to use.
Compared to the online version it saves time and we can now create a fully customized HTML sitemap.
Thanks for this great software !
Actium.nl Webmaster
The most straightforward instrument to make a sitemap all in all web. Nothing such basic can be discovered anyplace.
Keep the great work going.
Thanks for the great work
Malik Umar
Thank you so much for such an easy to use product. I can't believe I
finally found a product that does exactly as promised. I have
recommended this to many of my associates that run websites.
It is well worth the price.
Hollie Schultz
Thank you for your contribution to the internet! I have used your free xml site map generator. I have tried many others but this is my personal favourite.
It does the job and does it well.
This is on my definate buy list for next months website budget.
ali neil,
XML Standalone PHP Sitemap generator is very easy to install and very easy to use.
Compared to the online version it saves time and we can now create a fully customized HTML sitemap.
Thanks for this great software !
Actium.nl Webmaster
This is a great service. Does the job, spot on! Very clear with useful advise as well.
Peter Kearney
Quick Move Waste Skip Hire
The broken links report are a God send.
After adding new content to my site the generator
alerted me to 256 broken links which I would never have know about and helped me fix the problem quickly.
Podcastblaster.com Webmaster
I was getting ready to hire somebody to create a Google XML sitemap for me, but luckily I found your tool before I did. It definitely saved me time and money and I will definitely recommend it to others. It was, fast, quick and easier than I expected.
Thanks a lot!
Bryan Flores