Love this site! I would recommend this 1000%.
It is a blessing to someone like myself who is a computer website novice. It is super user friendly and easy to get started.
Thanks and GOD bless!
Root N Wings
Thank you so much for such an easy to use product. I can't believe I
finally found a product that does exactly as promised. I have
recommended this to many of my associates that run websites.
It is well worth the price.
Hollie Schultz
This is undoubtedly the greatest script to generate sitemaps. Thank you
for great service and a great tool that we use for over thirteen million
Todd Dunning
XML Standalone PHP Sitemap generator is very easy to install and very easy to use.
Compared to the online version it saves time and we can now create a fully customized HTML sitemap.
Thanks for this great software ! Webmaster
Strongly recommend this for webmasters who's managing multiple websites.
This tool has literally cut down our work time for around 30 minutes per site.
Multiply that with the number of sites we're managing, that is alot of hours!
It's also made our job of updating the sitemap alot easier. Thanks for keeping this tool free.
Your website is really good and the online sitemap tool is very
convenient to use. Before, i have tried other online sitemap
generators, but i believe that your online tool is the best.
I really
appreciate it.
This tool is incredible, my all time favorite. I've tried every other sitemap generator out there and is the best. I use it for every sitemap creation for all of my websites!
Thanks so much!
Chet Thornberry
What a fabulous resource you have given us. Besides the sitemaps generated, your link checked for broken links has saved me many hours.
Thanks you
John W. Chapman,
I love your online site generator. Finding your website ended many hours of struggle to understand sitemaps. It's so easy to use and the broken links function is extremely helpful.
Thanks again.
This is undoubtedly the greatest script to generate sitemaps. Thank you
for great service and a great tool that we use for over thirteen million
Todd Dunning
A great tool, perfect for adding a sitemap to Google's Webmaster Tools. It was simple to use and very quick, I will continue to use your great service. I have tried many others but I personally feel this is the best, no only because of a well designed script but the site also looks nice.
Sam Parkinson,
Free Hosting
Thank you for your contribution to the internet! I have used your free xml site map generator. I have tried many others but this is my personal favourite.
It does the job and does it well.
This is on my definate buy list for next months website budget.
ali neil,
I am using Xml Sitemap for years, the one only reliable sitemap generator, with easy options even a user not having much experience can use it.
Highly recommended tool for website users and seo, thanks keep it up.
What an awesome tool the sitemap generator is! I have two websites and even
though I am not all that techno-savvy, I was able to generate and upload my
sitemaps to Google in no time!
Without the Online Sitemap Generator
Service I may never have gotten my sitemaps submitted. Thank you!
Karen Grant
Divine Finds, Inc.
I can't believe it!!
After trying to figure put Google's site map generator page I was about to give up as I found it totally incomprehensible.
I then did a Google search and found your site. It's totally unbelievable that I had a working site map on my site in less than 5 minutes.
Keep up the good work.
Bill Turnbull,