This is a great service. Does the job, spot on! Very clear with useful advise as well.
Peter Kearney
Quick Move Waste Skip Hire
The site map generator is absolutely the best and easiest to use on the planet. I highly recommend it.
Bob Metz
New Tech Graphics, Memphis Tennessee
This is an amazing service! Not only does it outperform all of the competition, but it's easy to use and free! It is a "must-have" for all webmasters.
Chris Lewis
Alpaca Advantage
I purchased, downloaded, installed and created the first sitemaps with the Sitemap Generator "in a flash!!"
If I can do it, ANYONE can! Thanks for a great, economical sitemap generation system.
Jim in Ontario, Canada,
I just wanted to say that your sitemap service is the absolute easiest and most convenient way to create a sitemap that I've ever found.
You've saved me tons of time. Keep up the good work!
Ideal Eyewear,
So easy to find and use - I keep wondering, "What's the catch?".
Forget trying to find a tool or extension in Dreamweaver - XML Sitemaps is quick, easy and absolutely free. I am SO impressed.
Elizabeth Johnson
Art Director