Sitemap Stuck
« on: August 12, 2018, 08:11:31 PM »
I have great difficulty moving from Configuration to Create a Sitemap (the message is that the software is waiting for my site to respond), but once I can get Create a Sitemap up and click on Create a Sitemap and get the message that the sitemap is under construction, I soon get an error message that the page is unavailable. I'm used to such error messages, so I go back to Configuration and then back to Create a Sitemap (again with a long wait), but usually I see some progress on the sitemap before I check continue with the present sitemap. Lately there's been no progress at all. At the moment I'm stuck at 120 URLs out of over 3,000, and no matter how many times I get the error message and go back to Configuration and then back to Create a Sitemap, I have only 120 URLs to pick up from.
Re: Sitemap Stuck
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2018, 04:24:07 AM »

please let me know your generator URL/login in private message to check this.