Hi there! I am the Sitemap Generator Customer since 2012 or so. So, till this time everything worked good (not perfect, but good). This time I can not finish the crowling operation.
Old version (updated in 2017) crowls around 2.5 hours for 100 000 links and consumes not more than 255 megs of RAM. This one consumes more and more, and after few hours of work drops with different exceptions.
Also, I have a warning instantly in the shell:
PHP Warning: json_encode(): Invalid UTF-8 sequence in argument in /var/www/vhosts/motogonki.ru/cp.motogonki.ru/generator2018/pages/class.utils.inc.php on line 254
So, I could not generate а page of sitemap for the last 24 hours. Changes settings, sets to '0' (unlimited), no way.
"No sitemaps found
Sitemap was not generated yet, please go to Crawling page to start crawler manually or to setup a cron job."
P.S. Launched on the own server 64Gb RAM/4 CPU under CentOS. Powerfull enuf, for sure. Everything works well else the new Generator.
Old version works as usual. As a spare.
This is the existing Sitemap (0666), generated with old version Generator - [ External links are visible to forum administrators only ]
Also works.
What I do wrong for example? Thanx.