As you helped me a lot about my problem, I wanted to give back info about how to solve this problem for users that might experience the same problem.
First, it was NOT a problem related to this script (v7.2, 2017-03-14) but rather something that the hosting service changed on their side and was not able to help me with this matter

The tech service here was very helpful

I had an error while accessing the script.
To fix it, here is what I did ...
In the index.php
replace : @ini_set ("include_path", ini_get ("include_path") . '.;pages/;'.(dirname(__FILE__).'\\pages').'');
by : /* @ini_set ("include_path", ini_get ("include_path") . '.;pages/;'.(dirname(__FILE__).'\\pages').''); */
In fact, it was to comment this line to get the include path.
After that, everything was perfect.