having the same problem (no sitemap for os comerce product pages) I've read your hints with interest.
Running your program I get this
Links depth: 2
Current page: de/usa_pacific_crest_trail/links.php?navid=322
Pages added to sitemap: 339
Pages scanned: 340 (44,291.6 Kb)
Pages left: 1302 (+ 651 queued for the next depth level)
Time passed: 3:31
Time left: 13:28
Memory usage: 2,918.3 Kb The resulting sitemap contains pages outside of the online shop only.

The product URLs of my site have the following format
[ External links are visible to forum administrators only ]
All product URLs are created by an oscommerce extension creating not "symbolic" (URL with product specific paramters) but "real" URLs for each product with the purpose to be better found by search robots.
There are a few pages (e.g. Login and Checkout) using HTTPS, the products pages do not.
Your program delivers no sitemap at all when trying to create one for all files residing in oscommerce, this means directory "catalog" and all its subdirectories.
Config file used for sitemap creation can be found here:
[ External links are visible to forum administrators only ]
Log files created during sitemap creation can be found here:
[ External links are visible to forum administrators only ]
[ External links are visible to forum administrators only ]
[ External links are visible to forum administrators only ]
Any ideas what I can do to get the full sitemap for my more than 1'800 products?
Any tip is highly appreciated
