Good afternoon,
I have been attempting to create a sitemap for my website which contains over 200,000 links, unsuccessfully, since the time of my purchase back in 2009. The most I have ever been able to create is 12,0000 which is currently added to my Google Webmaster Account.
However, I would like to get a full sitemap up as I believe it will help with better indexing of the site.
Currently the sitemap script seems to be stuck at this point:
Links depth: 13
Current page: XXXXX/322893/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.html (replaced with X's for privacy)
Pages added to sitemap: 100151
Pages scanned: 100720 (17,869,670.8 KB)
Pages left: 1562 (+ 1957 queued for the next depth level)
Time passed: 49:04:02
Time left: 0:45:39
Memory usage: 57,046.8 Kb
| 4.3 |
============================================================ 2014-03-29 19:29:20 Resuming
The sitemap generator would stop every few hours over the last couple days of getting to this point. But now when I try resuming it stops almost immediately- about 1-2 minutes after resuming.
At this point I was like hey, great, it got up to 100,151 added, thats nearly x10 as much as my current sitemap so I was happy with it and ready to just stick with that. But then I login to my FTP to check the sitemap.xml file and it is 0bytes as if nothing had been written at all!
The sitemap.xml permission is set to 666 as outlined in installation/configuration documentation so I'm not sure what would be causing this.
Any assistance with resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated as I have been struggling with it since 2009!!