frequency sitemap creation and planning
« on: August 23, 2013, 10:03:06 AM »
I run a vbulletin forum with vBSEO and I purchased "Unlimited Sitemap Generator"


1 - Crawling to generate a new sitemap should be performed every day to get everything up to date, or is not required frequency so high though obviously different topic will be edited or created?

2 - I tried to create a scheduled task in vbulletin with "/ generator / runcrawl.php" error because it can only be run from the command line. How can I set the frequency to run?

best regards
Re: frequency sitemap creation and planning
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2013, 08:10:10 AM »

1. it depends on the site activity, but in most cases it's not necessary, generating it every 2 days or once a week might be sufficient.

2. you need to setup cron task in hosting control panel rather than in forum admin panel.