..., as you can get xml-sitemap to run, on my site (grubstreet.ca/generator), you might tell me how, in plain words, or do it, with new o/p fids as evidence. I've tried, had others try, too, but to no avail. Each time, it stalls at,
Links depth: 1
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I even tried changing the fid, where it stalls. Nada.
If it runs for you, as mentioned in a earlier response, perhaps you could simply run the program for me, one last time. Should it work, I'll accept the fact it's me that's at fault, and buy another site map program, which I can figure out how to run for myself. Then you'll be done with me, forever. What I need to see is a new site map, to evince claims, either way. As your last e-mail suggested you could skirt security, I shan't include a password. Surprise me, and get this program working on my site.