Great product! I have read a lot of post to try and figure out what am I doing wrong. I have a new and small site. So it possible and important to prioritize all pages.
index url ,,daily,1.0
path string.html,,daily,0.99
path string.html,,weekly,0.98
path string.html,,monthly,0.95
several lower pages,,monthly,0.5
Change frequency: Daily
Last modification: Use Server's response
Priority: 1.0
Automatically: tried both checked and unchecked.
I select save and crawl
I paid to have the program installed, so I know it's done right (by the way excellent install instructions, probably even I could have followed these).
This seem pretty straight forward, but I can't figure out where I am screwing up.
If I do all the above correctly would I be able to see the change in site map html view, and or wouldn't it at least show the change in xml sitemap file?
Am I missing something here. I am new but I have gone the extra mile to figure where am I screwing up.
