I need some help. I don;t understand very well how all these things work. I had installed the trial version( free one ) af this generator last fall. Now, i bought the standard one and the addition for images.
i have a forum and i am almost ready to realease the portal also. We ( me and my partner) noticed that the images that are uploaded in topics, plus all the images from Gallery are not indexed by Google. Even that we saved the image with a description name, that are not shown in google image search. That;s the reason we came back to you and bought the generator.
i downloded the zip, unzip, I deleted the generator folder from public.html , i created an empty one and i moved all the files from unzip to the new folder, with all the subdir...
i have created the empty sitemap, ror and sitemap_images as you sugested and i overwrited
I set up the configuration, i crawled ( it took 5 hours) and the generator created the sitempas.
I received an email telling me "Hello,
sitemap for your website has been updated.
My questions are:
1. I can not download the files ar how to download them
2. Should i download them and upload on server, or they are already there
3. u said that i have to tell google about the sitemaps, or... i am nor so sure about the procedure. How google will now about all the urls
4. Do i have to re run all the procedure every day for the new entries? or how does it works?
5. I still did not fix problem with the images. In analyze there are only 2 urls for gallery
anyway, can anybody take a look and tell me what i have done good, what shall i do next, or how to fix cause, the more i read about it, the more confuse i am about this issue called SEO.
My big frustation is that i personaly created some tehnical images. I uploaded them in the forum, i renamed them so they can be find easily with google, and still they are not indexed, not even i am searching the full name of the image

Thanks very, very, very much for any help you, guys, can give it to me.