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404 errors caused by pagination javascript
« on: January 12, 2012, 12:34:29 PM »
Hi i'm running a forum with Woltlab 3.1.x. I'm getting 404 errors that i can't fix. They are caused by the pagination system of the forum. For example page 1 2 3 ... 10. The Javascript behind the ... function causes the error, because it thinks it's a broken link. But it's not a broken link.

An example error:

It's caused by:
<li><a onclick="var result = prompt('Zu folgender Seite springen', '11'); if (typeof(result) != 'object' &amp;&amp; typeof(result) != 'undefined') document.location.href = fixURL(('index.php?page=Thread&amp;threadID=756&amp;pageNo=%d').replace(/%d/, result));">&hellip;</a></li>

[ External links are visible to forum administrators only ]

How can i fix that?

Thanks & regards


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Re: 404 errors caused by pagination javascript
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2012, 11:20:31 AM »

Works perfect.