2 complaints:
1) Your site does NOT highlight more prominently that this product MUST support PHP (Thankfully IIS7 has a 'simple' plug-in)
2) This Forum entry screen zaps the message you just spent typing for the past 20 min if the attachment you provide is too large and you click 'Preview'
Now to my issue:
I've followed the installation instructions 3 times now and continue to receive 'An Error Occured' message indicating that Datastorage folder is not writable 'Datastorage folder is not writable: C:\inetpub\****\generator/data/'
I've applied FTP permissions 666, 777, and 0666 appropriately.
I've also remote desktop'ed to the server and made sure the ~generator/data folder is NOT read only.
What am I missing?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Screenshot enclosed...