Hi, I'm having two problems at the same time, possibly due to the same bug (I hope!)
I've read about both of them in the forum, but I cannot find an answer by myself!
Here's the problems:
1) I cannot save LOGIN/PASSWORD information, otherwise I cannot acces any page but the index one (Configuration). When I try to access other pages it asks me to login, but it always redirects me to the configuration page.
2) While using it without Login/Password I can CRAWL the site, but it generates a one-page sitemap, with the domain name. If I set the Starting URL as domain/index.asp it says that it cannot find the page. (while, when crawling it with your online tool, it works)
I'm using a Standalone Sitemap Generator (PHP) v4.0, 2010-05-20 on a non-IP-dedicated IIS Server.
I've set the "Use IP address for crawling:" to as I read in the forum, and it helped, but not solved the problem!
I can send you the access data to solve the problem if it may help!