Hi Oleg,
After installing the Unlimited PHP Sitemap Generator today I've run into problems with the crawling. I'm trying to create 6 site maps for 6 different language versions, each version of the site is about 150k pages.
After a very slow start, approx. 5000 pages indexed in 3 hours, I can now no longer access the xml-sitemaps control panel. The index.php?op=config page will no longer load. Initially I could at least follow the crawl progress and attempt to identify the reason why it was so slow.
The hosting service (shared server) control panel does not allow changes to the php.ini file but I have emailed them asking if they can change max_execution_time and memory_limit settings in our php configuration.
Before it froze completely I tried using the ReloadEvery Firefox add-on to get around restrictions on php config modifications. It didn't seem to work, despite a few changes to the reload intervals.
During the crawl process the public pages of the website are often inaccessible. When pages are not displayed the server gives an error message [User mywebsitexyz already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections].
Any help you can offer would be very gratefully received.