I have a very large site in multiple languages: [ External links are visible to forum administrators only ]

I did get this to work once, but i think it's choking on all the content. There are thousands of screen captures in browse able folders, and hundreds of pages that have been added since 2004. I also noticed it is not indexing most of the screen captures, and many directories are being duplicated.
I have fiddled with the memory and time delay etc for a few days with no help. It's been crawling now for about 6 hours but has not finished, I believe it has croaked.
Another thing is, on my linux server it will not work when being called by a crontab session. I have tried the basic php command line start as given in the crawl page, and also used a file my webhost suggested to call the crontab job by a perl file, that don't work either. I have verified with my server host that the crontab schedule is being executed but the program is either not running, or croaked during the crawl.
The program works great on another site with less than 100 urls, but the crontab job will not work on that site either. Seems to be a decent program if i can get it to handle the large site and get called up by crontab at night each night.