I have a weird issue with the cronjob now. It was working fine for the past week. I don't get any cronjob email up until now. However, when I check the generator interface, it looks like it was updated.
The email log doesn't seem to be error. I have attached the log labeled cronjob.txt. I was using this cronjob script
00 02 * * * /usr/local/bin/php /var/www/domain/httpdocs/generator/runcrawl.php
In addition, I also tried a different cronjob script to see if I still get an email.
lynx -dump http://www.yourdomain.com/generator/index.php?op=crawlproc
With this script, I still get an email. It is not an error, however.
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From my understanding about cronjobs, I would only get emails if the cronjobs didn't properly executed. In these cases, it looks like it did. How can I stop my server to not send this particular job if it is possible?