it seemed i got the same trouble.
it scanned my website automatically, but stopped when it runed to 4178 pages. it always said:
Links depth: 4
Current page: golf/golfSearch.php?1=1&keyword=%E7%9C%8B©right=
Pages added to sitemap: 4178
Pages scanned: 4180 (109,740.0 KB)
Pages left: 7449 (+ 1708 queued for the next depth level)
Time passed: 0:09:30
Time left: 0:16:56
Memory usage: 18,064.6 Kb
Auto-restart monitoring: Thu Jul 29 2010 17:50:06 GMT+0800 (95 second(s) since last update)
Resuming the last session (last updated: 2010-07-29 08:31:39)
i tried to re-set the configuration, and Maximum execution time, seconds: 0 while Maximum memory usage, MB: 500.
How can i make it continue to run and complete my sitemap.
thanks in advance.
Sarah Hou