Unlimited Sitemap Generator wont go past first page.
« on: October 30, 2008, 02:54:01 PM »
I have been trying to search for the right topic that will solve my problem but I cannot seem to find it. I have the 2.9 version of the unlimited sitemap generator. For some reason when I try to crawl the pages it stops after the first page which is the starting home page.

When I generated a sitemap through the free 500 url version everything worked fine. My site is php based. I am having a hard time understanding why the free version worked but the 2.9 version wont go past the first page. Can anyone help me with this?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      xmlns="[ External links are visible to forum administrators only ]"
      xmlns:xsi="[ External links are visible to forum administrators only ]"
            [ External links are visible to forum administrators only ]
            [ External links are visible to forum administrators only ]">
<!-- created with Standalone Sitemap Generator  -->

       <loc>[ External links are visible to forum administrators only ]</loc>

Thank you for any help you may have to offer.


*** I even tried an html version of my site which is [ External links are visible to forum administrators only ] and it also indexed only the first page. The .com is html based, and .ca is php based***
« Last Edit: October 30, 2008, 03:02:32 PM by wademd »
Re: Unlimited Sitemap Generator wont go past first page.
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2008, 12:15:15 AM »

please let me know your generator URL/login: https://www.xml-sitemaps.com/contact.html
Please also include your purchase order ID and date for reference.
Re: Unlimited Sitemap Generator wont go past first page.
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2010, 06:14:21 AM »

I am having this issue as well, and have tried several things to resolve it based on other posts in the forum - with no success.

When I run a crawl, the results after about 10 seconds are this:

Links depth: 1
Current page: /
Pages added to sitemap: 1
Pages scanned: 1 (239.7 KB)
Pages left: 583 (+ 0 queued for the next depth level)
Time passed: 0:00:05
Time left: 0:58:04
Memory usage: 1,926.1 Kb

I have a fairly large site of at least 1000 pages, so obviously this is not correct and no sitemap is being generated. Thinking this was due to a memory or execution time limit on my host server, I have created a php.ini file in the generator folder that contains this:
memory_limit = 1024M

max_execution_time = 1000

max_input_time = 1000

upload_max_filesize = 1024M

mysql.connect_timeout = 1000

I have also added a .htaccess file with the line RewriteEngine off in it as I saw in another post. My php.ini file in my public_html also has similarly high limits.

So what else could be the issue? I was able to get a successful sitemap using the free version awhile ago.

Thanks for your help!
Re: Unlimited Sitemap Generator wont go past first page.
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2010, 11:51:09 PM »
Thank you for the help in the email. I had no idea I would need to increase the lmits to such an amount. After changing the max_execution_time to 10000 and the memory_limit to 2048 in the php.ini file, I am able to get a successful crawl. I am also selecting the checkbox for "rune even if browser is closed". My site generates about 25k pages now.

Thanks again for th help!

p.s. It appears my host company does not limit the settings on the php.ini file, allowing the customer complete control over these unlike many shared hosting environments. For reference, they are [ External links are visible to forum administrators only ].