I am having this issue as well, and have tried several things to resolve it based on other posts in the forum - with no success.
When I run a crawl, the results after about 10 seconds are this:
Links depth: 1
Current page: /
Pages added to sitemap: 1
Pages scanned: 1 (239.7 KB)
Pages left: 583 (+ 0 queued for the next depth level)
Time passed: 0:00:05
Time left: 0:58:04
Memory usage: 1,926.1 Kb
I have a fairly large site of at least 1000 pages, so obviously this is not correct and no sitemap is being generated. Thinking this was due to a memory or execution time limit on my host server, I have created a php.ini file in the generator folder that contains this:
memory_limit = 1024M
max_execution_time = 1000
max_input_time = 1000
upload_max_filesize = 1024M
mysql.connect_timeout = 1000
I have also added a .htaccess file with the line RewriteEngine off in it as I saw in another post. My php.ini file in my public_html also has similarly high limits.
So what else could be the issue? I was able to get a successful sitemap using the free version awhile ago.
Thanks for your help!