Request date:
25 October 2009, 17:42
Processing time:
Pages indexed:
Sitemap files:
Pages size:
XML sitemap
In text format
In ROR format
HTML sitemap

When I clik on  View sitemap, I have  4 files. the main sitemap.xml and 3 other  sitema1 to sitemap3.  But I have errors messages sitemap1 to sitemap3  not created. I did not create blank files sitemap1 to sitemap3  before running the script . My wbsite  is a large  with many pages to craw : [ External links are visible to forum administrators only ].
Now I have the text sitmap, the html ditemap, but I don't have the XML sitemap. I have the main XML sitemap, but not the  children sitemap1 to sitemap3. Then I create blank file sitema1 to sitemap3. Is there any way I can get the sitemap1.xml to sitemap3.xml without rerunning the script, just by using the  text or html format.

Thank You

sitemap generator needs to be started again. Make sure that you created files named sitemap1.xml, sitemap2.xml etc and set 0666 permissions to them.