Hello Admin
Thanks for your great sitemaps generator
I will appreciate it so much if you could help me with this issue.
I made sitemap for my site and the result was great. But the URLs of my site are not in English, there are in Arabic. So at the end of the crawling I get two links for each page (that’s mean each link is duplicated once – Arabic link and English link to the same page).
Here is an example of one link in Arabic and the duplicated link in English:
[ External links are visible to forum administrators only ]ÇáÃÒíÇÁ-ÇáÓÇÍÑÉ.html
[ External links are visible to forum administrators only ]
As you see it’s the same link to the page but with different languages.
Is there a way that the sitemap generator will include just the Arabic links and exclude the english in the result page?
Thanks in advance
Jack and Mohammad