I have the newset version 3. And i can't find a option to change the url of my urllist.txt. When I create my sitemap the urllist.txt is only in the data-folder but I want to change this. And in the conf-file I can find a setting for this url and name? Do you can help me?
And a problem with th email after creation. The Url of my urllist.txt and the sitemap.hml which is shown in the mail is Text Sitemap:http://XX.XX.XX.XX:1423./data/urllist.txt (XX is a IP-adress but not myIP). The same for the html-sitemap:http://XX.XX.XX.XX:1423yyyy/yyyy/yyyy/data/sitemap.html (XX is IP-adress bot not my IP and yyy are folders in my web).
Thank you for help.