I spoke to my web host, had memory increased to 128MB, I increased the execution time as well and disabled safe mode so I am no longer getting the error messages but this has still not fixed the problem of it freezing up on me for no apparent reason. Right now it is completely stuck at:
Links depth: 18
Current page: album/43620/The-Cure-Wild-Mood-Swings.html
Pages added to sitemap: 13130
Pages scanned: 14520 (418,087.0 KB)
Pages left: 14 (+ 2843 queued for the next depth level)
Time passed: 1:56:31
Time left: 0:00:06
Memory usage: -
Resuming the last session (last updated: 2009-08-15 16:24:18)
I hit Crawling again, try resuming then it loads this screen up again and just sits there. I also try running with the option "Do not interrupt the script even after closing the browser window until the crawling is complete" and it still gets stuck on this page.
Can I provide the admin with the URL to the login page for my Sitemap generator so he can take a look at it first hand? I've spent nearly two days now trying to get a sitemap created >