HI Oleg,
Thank you for installing the program for me. You apparently got the program to run throught the entire process on 04/24/09, unfortunately I am suffering the stalling phenomenon.
I increased the run time to 180 seconds and memory to 128 in the php.ini file, my host said I do not need to restart apache. It stalled again after 5 minutes. I will continue to restartt he program manually through the day but I would really like to find a more elegant solution.
I set the chron job with my hosts help, that is not scheduled to run until a few days from now.
In trying to run the program from the terminal (ssh) with my hosts tech support person Tom holding my hand (at 7:00 AM on a Sunday morning (Thanks, Tom)) we got this:
-bash: runcrawl.php: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `base64_decode'
-bash: runcrawl.php: line 2: `eval(base64_decode('Pz48P3BocAokb3AgPSAkX1JFUVVFU1RbJ29wJ10gPSAnY3Jhd2xwcm9jJzsKaWYoaXNzZXQoJF9TRVJWRVJbJ1JFUVVFU1RfTUVUSE9EJ10pKQp7CmVjaG8gJ1RoaXMgdG9vbCBjYW4gYmUgZXhlY3V0ZWQgaW4gY29tbWFuZCBsaW5lIG1vZGUgb25seSc7CmV4aXQ7Cn0KJFhOVWZDTndoWTRUID0gdHJ1ZTsKY2hkaXIoZGlybmFtZShfX0ZJTEVfXykpOwokX1JFUVVFU1RbJ2JnJ10gPSB0cnVlOwokX1JFUVVFU1RbJ3Jlc3VtZSddID0gdHJ1ZTsKaW5jbHVkZSAnLi9pbmRleC5waHAnOwo/Pg=='));'
My host said this is beyond their ken and that I should refer back to you. The tech did tell me to specify that they use a Linux based system and said that might be important.
That's all I know. Do you have further instructions or requests for more information?