Hi everyone,

I have 2 problems:

Firstly I am having an odd problem that sometimes when I generate my site map it removes some url links (I am using wordpress & some of my "?tag=" urls are being removed). I am not sure why this is happening, but this past update 500 urls were added and 300 were removed...

The second issue I am having is that when the sitemap completes and is submitted to google, it says that it found errors in the file. Here is a link to the xml sitemap:

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I don't see the problem with it. Any help or direction would be very appreciated.


Re: Sitemap removing some links & Giving errors when read by google
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2009, 01:57:00 PM »
The error is very vague:

We encountered an error while trying to access your Sitemap. Please ensure your Sitemap follows our guidelines and can be accessed at the location you provided and then resubmit.

Any ideas about the other problem of removed links?

Re: Sitemap removing some links & Giving errors when read by google
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2009, 11:51:54 AM »
Perhaps your wordpress configuration displays different sets of tags in a cloud so it indexes different links.
Re: Sitemap removing some links & Giving errors when read by google
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2009, 05:48:01 PM »
Thanks for the reply, I did a bit more looking into the change log, and it's not only the tag urls, there are quite a few posts that are being removed. For example this post is found in the old sitemap, but not in the new one I just indexed.

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[ External links are visible to forum administrators only ]

I'm still really confused about google not accepting the sitemap. I have looked over it and don't see any obvious reason for it's rejection...

Re: Sitemap removing some links & Giving errors when read by google
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2009, 08:06:56 AM »

can you please let me know how those pages can be reached, starting from homepage?

re: google and sitemap
The issue seems to be related to: [ External links are visible to logged in users only ]
Re: Sitemap removing some links & Giving errors when read by google
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2009, 01:40:44 PM »
My homepage is:

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I'm not sure why it would decide to not work now though, as far as I know the only change that was made since the last sitemap were a few new posts.

Thanks again for looking into the problem.
Re: Sitemap removing some links & Giving errors when read by google
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2009, 11:03:59 AM »
re: non-included pages
Please try to install the latest version of Sitemap Generator (3.0), looks like you have v2.9 installed now.
Re: Sitemap removing some links & Giving errors when read by google
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2009, 02:08:00 PM »
I've just upgraded, and am running the sitemap now. I will let you know the outcome.
Re: Sitemap removing some links & Giving errors when read by google
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2009, 03:54:04 PM »
I get the same error. Upgraded, ran the sitemap, & resubmitted to google, but still have the same issue...

Anyone else getting this error?
Re: Sitemap removing some links & Giving errors when read by google
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2009, 10:03:16 PM »
Ok I figured what the problem was...

I have 2 google accounts, and I was logged in to my 2nd and didn't realize, so when I went to update the sitemap it must have created a conflict.

dumb mistake on my part, thats for the help though, I really appreciate it.
