I successfully created a free sitemap online. It was relatively fast. I purchased and installed sitemap with GoDaddy. Now I have a problem. The process is very slow. I made several attempts but there is no result for over 48 hours. Is it possible to run a map one time on any other server? Is there a way to do it on xml-sitemaps.com? 
Thank you for reply.
This is what i have so far. Please advise.

Links depth: 8
Current page: images/stories/media/sl6/sl-6lab/SL6lab-step6.html
Pages added to sitemap: 656
Pages scanned: 1080 (74,785.2 KB)
Pages left: 46 (+ 4 queued for the next depth level)
Time passed: 12:07
Time left: 0:30
Memory usage: 1,217.6 Kb
Resuming the last session (last updated: 2009-01-29 11:17:06)
I see that it scanned more than 1000 pages, but added to sitemap only 656. It meas that it's possible to improve crawling speed noticeably using Do not parse/Exclude options. Please PM me your generator URL to check this.