I am having trouble getting the generator to finish.
I tell it to continue where it left off - it will run for a while - then stop at the same place.
I tell it to run uniterupted - and same type of thing. It will run for a while - but never finish writing the sitemap.
On the crawl screen I always get this:
it isn't. It says:
Links depth: 7
Pages added to sitemap: 7483
Pages scanned: 53560 (780,197.3 KB)
Pages left: 371 (+ 49212 queued for the next depth level)
Time passed: 70:12
Time left: 0:29
Memory usage: 28,602.4 Kb
Resuming the last session (last updated: 2009-04-13 21:30:51)
And from there it is just done. How can I get it to go on?
No sitemap has been written - and it isn't doing anything?
If I start it all over - it will stop just about that same place.