I've been having a problem with the Unlimited XML Sitemap generator since I paid for it. Since I've been using it I've been getting relatively small sitemaps of 100 or 200 kb that doesn't seem right for the size of my site.
However in the past no error log was ever generated most likely because I had the directory password protected through cpanel and .htaccess.
I just decided last night to upload fresh files, reconfigure the generator and remove the password restriction on the directory and just use a username/password to access the interface.
After running the script I was once again given a fairly small sitemap file, so I decided to check if any error logs were generated and sure enough they were. There was about a 4 kb error_log file and about five 17 - 18 MB core dump files.
I have attached the error log below. I should make note that the file it claims is missing, is actually in the right directory, I even tried uploading it again to be sure it wasn't the problem despite what the error_log claimed.
I should also mention that I have set the proper permissions on the files as the install documentation listed.
I would really appreciate it if someone can take a look at the error log, figure out what the problem is so I can fix this problem and be able to use this script without a problem on my website.
Thank You.