
domain name vs www.domain name
« on: June 02, 2006, 11:41:38 AM »
Why does the sitemap for domain.com differ from [ External links are visible to forum administrators only ]
Re: domain name vs www.domain name
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2006, 06:37:43 PM »

Sitemap Generator doesn't include links to www. and non-www domains in the same sitemap as it is disallowed by google sitemap protocol, since they are considered technically different domains.


Re: domain name vs www.domain name
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2006, 11:08:09 AM »
I understand that [ External links are visible to forum administrators only ] is technically different from domain.com, but I'm still not sure why when I generate my sitemap for [ External links are visible to forum administrators only ] and compare it to the sitemap for domain.com that they are different (one gives errors, the other not, one includes more pages while one "missed" some pages).

Any ideas?
Re: domain name vs www.domain name
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2006, 05:26:07 PM »

because sitemap generated for domain.com includes ONLY the pages linked to domain.com/.. and sitemap generated for [ External links are visible to logged in users only ] includes ONLY the pages linked to [ External links are visible to logged in users only ]..
So, if you have link like <a href="[ External links are visible to logged in users only ]">x</a>, it will be included in one sitemap, but not in another.


Re: domain name vs www.domain name
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2006, 10:13:14 PM »

I created a website but my host does not give me options (that I know of) of what goes where. I have my basic FTP directory where all my files go. I don't (seem to have) more control than that.

You say that "sitemap generated for domain.com includes ONLY the pages linked to domain.com/.. and sitemap generated for [ External links are visible to forum administrators only ] includes ONLY the pages linked to [ External links are visible to forum administrators only ].. "

Okay, but what am I to do as an end user? I used to think everything I FTP'ed went to domain.com and then was simply via cname also available under [ External links are visible to forum administrators only ]. If the LINKS are different, how do I control those or even begin to understand how to get which links under which - either www or without?? Can you understand my delema here - I still have some pages "missing" depending on what I give Google under sitemap generator - either with or without the www and I am trying to find out how I got my pages so mixed up -  NO, I am trying to figure out how to get Google to find all my pages.????

Hope you can help (and thanks for your clear answers thus far - I appreciate that.)
Re: domain name vs www.domain name
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2006, 02:05:12 AM »

please send me (via Private Message) your website URL and a few example links that are not included in sitemap.