Dear people,
Yesterday I have set up Sitemap Generator.
Now, that was easy to do!
It already completed some paths for me.
Now I have 2 questions:
1. When I still made my sitemap files manually, I also put the urllist.txt file in the public root of my site.
Sitemap Generator puts this in a folder inside the generator map.
How can I change this, that is, if it would be useful to put the file in my public root, anyway...
2. Can I just let Generator ping Google?
I had, and still have, problems with Google, like a filter and a penalty. I would like to not disturb them any further for the time being...

What would be wise to do? I thought once Google has discovered your sitemap.xml, it will return anyway.
My compliments for the program. It works like a charm!
Best regards,