I have aproblem in Crawling sitemap,
it is stpped between time to tim ( 5 min and stop ) , I have spend 2 days to Crawling sitemap for my site but still,
Links depth: 2
Current page: vb/misc.php?do=whoposted&t=25981
Pages added to sitemap: 2813
Pages scanned: 3000 (362,100.8 KB)
Pages left: 2181 (+ 19760 queued for the next depth level)
Time passed: 13:09
Time left: 9:34
Memory usage: 16,238.7 Kb
Resuming the last session (last updated: 2008-09-25 04:34:59)

I hope to help me .

this is the linl for sitemap generator on my site:
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