Hi can you please advise. I'm not too sure how this would work so I'm hoping you can help.
I have a domain name (root folder) - for example, Transport.com
Now within this root folder (transport.com) I have two other websites root folders, both being phpbb forums - for example one for cars and another for boats.
The url’s for these sites look similar to these below;
My question is, would I have to create a site map for all three domains/ sub domains or would one site map do for all? I suspect that I would need to create a site map for each.
if the latter is the case then once I’ve created all three site maps I suspect that I would have to rename the individual saved XML sitemap files to there respective domains. – for example, renamed to boatssitemap.XML, carssitemap.XML and then upload all three site maps into my Cpanel “public_html”
Am I correct in thinking that the url addresses for each of the above domais /subdomains that I would need to submit to google would look like this;
I know it’s a little long winded but I hope I’ve made sense.