BUG: Won't crawl the entire site.
« on: July 09, 2005, 03:57:01 AM »
So I configure it to crawl my entire site, no weird excludes, and it only does a partial crawl, total of 11 links!  By comparison, I used the online generator and I maxed out the 500 pages.  Same configuration.  I've seen another thread reporting the same problem.  There's a bug in the standalone script.  Any help?
Re: BUG: Won't crawl the entire site.
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2005, 11:16:42 AM »
So I configure it to crawl my entire site, no weird excludes, and it only does a partial crawl, total of 11 links!  By comparison, I used the online generator and I maxed out the 500 pages.  Same configuration.  I've seen another thread reporting the same problem.  There's a bug in the standalone script.  Any help?
Please report your generator instance URL in PM. Thanks.