I started the Sitemap Generatator a few days ago. It seems to add the first 20,000 pages in the first 6 or 7 hours it was running. Then it stopped running after about 24 hours, so I restarted it from where it left off. Now it is scanning very slow - maybe 100 pages an hour and it stops every few hours and I need to restart it. Also, I notice it is scanning URL strings on my exclude list like: Auction/APViewRatings.asp? and Auction/APAddRating.asp?
I almost think I should just stop the thing and start from scratch because I don't see and end in sight. If the pages I excluded are really excluded my sitemap will probalby be around 100,000 pages.
Below are snapshots of the progress at four different times today. I have had to do a restart twice today so far. You can see the thing is running super slow. My site is on a shared Windows IIS server. Should I stop and start from scratch? Or let this thing run for a month or so?
11 AM 3/4/06
Already in progress. Current process state is displayed:
Links depth: 5
Current page: Auction/APViewRatings.asp?UserID=303&returnto=APViewItem%2Easp%3Fid%3D41968
Pages added to sitemap: 23167
Pages scanned: 31880 (738,227.6 Kb)
Pages left: 57714 (+ 16918 queued for the next depth level)
Time passed: 2733:07
Time left: 4947:55
Memory usage: -
12:45PM 3/4/06
Links depth: 5
Current page: Auction/APViewRatings.asp?UserID=303&returnto=APViewItem%2Easp%3Fid%3D22030
Pages added to sitemap: 23237
Pages scanned: 32020 (740,132.9 Kb)
Pages left: 57574 (+ 17092 queued for the next depth level)
Time passed: 2826:17
Time left: 5081:50
Memory usage: -
2:45PM 3/4/06
Links depth: 5
Current page: Auction/APAddRating.asp?UID=7490&ItemID=41111
Pages added to sitemap: 23334
Pages scanned: 32200 (743,074.4 Kb)
Pages left: 57394 (+ 17590 queued for the next depth level)
Time passed: 2948:00
Time left: 5254:36
Memory usage: -
6:15PM 3/4/06
Links depth: 5
Current page: Auction/APViewItem.asp?ID=43845
Pages added to sitemap: 23435
Pages scanned: 32360 (746,032.5 Kb)
Pages left: 57234 (+ 17972 queued for the next depth level)
Time passed: 3137:58
Time left: 5550:02
Memory usage: -