I've got [ External links are visible to forum administrators only ]. Is a large dog site in Spanish language.
When I bought Sitemap Generator I was very happy, cause my website went up to #1 in Google (I had no sitemap so far).
I made many sitemaps, with the following results (cronologically):
# | date/time | pages |proc time|bandwidth|newURL|removedURL|BorkenLinks
2 2007-01-08 22:16 31,926 4,197.20s 239.49 0 0 30
3 2007-03-28 23:12 25,241 14,359.00s 703.53 0 0 2
4 2007-03-31 19:02 81,999 75,373.00s 2,261.73 0 0 2
5 2007-04-02 10:32 81,986 49,752.00s 2,258.68 0 0 2
6 2007-05-12 08:57 99,308 72,661.00s 2,691.65 1000 1000 1
7 2007-05-13 19:25 122,893 82,961.00s 3,295.61 1000 1000 1
8 2007-09-23 20:32 5,201 2,432.60s 174.74 1000 1000 0
9 2007-09-23 21:17 5,208 2,528.70s 174.96 7 1000 0
10 2007-09-23 22:34 5,216 2,637.40s 175.10 8 1000 0
11 2007-09-24 00:15 5,225 1,936.50s 175.39 9 1000 0
12 2007-09-24 00:49 5,226 1,948.40s 175.32 1 1000 0
13 2007-09-24 01:30 5,233 1,954.70s 175.52 7 1000 0
14 2007-09-24 10:32 5,252 1,957.20s 176.10 19 1000 0
15 2007-09-24 12:12 5,269 2,041.80s 176.54 17 1000 0
16 2007-09-24 12:50 5,273 2,041.20s 176.67 4 1000 0
17 2007-09-24 13:59 5,283 2,054.80s 176.97 10 1000 0
18 2007-09-25 02:00 6,140 2,398.80s 186.71 858 1000 0
19 2007-09-25 16:00 6,162 2,117.30s 187.42 57 1000 0
20 2007-09-25 16:38 6,162 2,106.70s 187.42 24 1000 0
You can see that the latest several times I tried to make a new sitemap (with the same configuration, I didn't touch it at all), won't go over 6.000 pages. I've got a forum with over 800.000 posts! 6.000 pages is nothing!
Another thing a noticed, is that when it used to make the big ones (up to 122K pages) is that it used to crawl several "Link depth" (up to 5, I think I recall), but now stops at 2, and shows as it's done, I mean, it doesn't show an error message, just finishes.
Please, I need to solve this. Could you gimme a hand?
Best regards.
Pablo (Spain)