Okay...still getting the errors....

Fist I notice something...all .log files inside data/ folder that are supposed to be set to 0666 are getting automatically created each and every time the generator runs, but sets them up with 0644. That doesn't seem right if they are supposed to be 0666? I can't image that we are supposed to each and every time we run the generator to change an automatically created files permission...you would this this would have been written to set it up as 0666 if it needs to be set with these permissions..
Also I was asked to to change the value of 'xs_base' in the config.inc.php file, but I don't have that option. Nothing was mentioned when I informed you that my file doesn't have this option, does this has some importance here to correct the problem??
Nothing has or was modified to the setting of the generator since you guys set it up last time...I'm now coming back to this as I didn't realize the generator wasn't running as it should...so I'm trying to get this fixed..
If you could let me know a list of things that I should look at so we can hopefully get this resolved sooner that would be great or what you need from me to diagnose the problem faster I will...