That was my copy & paste error.

I had several forum windows open & pasted the wrong link into the xml-sitemaps forum. We were discussing suggestions for MSN and working submission techniques for other search bots.
That wikipedia link is nice but has errors in the document. You have to remember that wikipedia is not an authority site. The authors are just regular people submitting information and are rarely experts on the material they have posted.
The preferred sitemap submission method is to use your actual domain and just add
Sitemap: [ External links are visible to forum administrators only ]to your robots.txt file.
Their bots will find your sitemap and save you a lot of extra work.
For MSN/Live Search, you could use their URL submission page to submit your sitemap URL but it won't guarantee their bots will immediately crawl the site.
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The sitemap submission works but there are much better methods to use for getting included in their search results.
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